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Terrain Visualization

 In this lab, we explored different types of tools to enhance topography. One tool we focused on is Hillshade. Hillshade utilizes the different light source directions to enhance different topographic features like elevation on a DEM map. While composing the map below, I compared traditional and multidirectional hillshade options. I think that Multidirectional is more beneficial with features that have subtle and sharp changes in topography, that are accentuated with lighter ombre shadow sketching, like a mountain face. The traditional hillside tool tends to shadow in pretty dark, and takes away from find details of a mountain face, but does well with cliffs and flatter topography that doesn’t have huge elevation gains. Therefore, I used the multidirectional option below. 

I also tried to keep the area map as big as possible, since there are a lot of different subareas covered in the legend. I centered the North Arrow in the top right corner, and the legend and other map elements on the bottom. 
