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Module 3: Visibility Analysis

 This week for Module 3, I did four different training classes at regarding 3D data visualization and analysis.

The first training [3D Visualization] taught me how 3D data is represented, different elevation types (on the ground, relative to the ground, absolute height), and how to convert 2D data to 3D via extrusion. Numerical data can be extruded an attribute as z-value to make it 3D using base, min, max, or absolute value of a certain attribute. In the appearance tab -> extrusion group -> choose the field. In our exercise I also used Extrusion Expression to “see the features more clearly.” (ESRI) Additionally in this training, I used different marker types for 3D data like a basic tree, to procedural markers that are more realistic and specific to an given location, fill symbols like grass, and procedural fills “for cities with a well-known architectural style, procedural fills can help create a realistic set of buildings, along with other common city features, such as street light.” (ESRI) I thought it was cool that you could even change the Ocean/water fill symbol layer by degrees to reflect waves and water strength. Lastly, I played around with atmospheric and illumination effects. When using a global scene, you can change the lighting by time! For example, I can choose in the properties to change the lighting to 7p.

Picture 1: Example of 3D visualization for training 1.


In the second training, I performed line of sight analysis via the construct sight lines and line of sight tool. This was a fun training exercise, as I was able to create all the sight lines for the view points of a parade, and then narrow down the sight lines given distance. We added the data with the Add Z Info tool, and removed the lines of sight that didn’t met our criteria with the Delete Features tool.  

Picture 2: Example of line of sight analysis for a parade.

The third training was also fun; Viewshed analysis. Viewshed analysis is a bit more detailed then line of sight, as it considers any obstructions surrounding the observer’s point of view. So while line of sight, looks for a line between the observer and target that is unobstructed, viewshed looks at all the areas the observer can see. In the exercise, we looked at the illumination capability of camping areas given the current light provided by a lighting company. We used the viewshed tool and raster functions [greater than in this case] to define and meet our criteria.

Picture: Example for training 3. 

The last and fourth training I did was: Sharing 3D content. One random but very important tid-bit I learned was that you can use the V key and mouse to move among an ArcGIS Pro map in a 3D fashion. I previously struggled with moving into a 3D map, away from an aerial view. In this training, I learned how to use the Create 3D Object Scene Layer Package tool to upload the scene layer to arcgis and the steps to correctly publish the scene layer. 

Picture 4: Example for training 4. 


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