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Showing posts from May, 2021

Debugging with Python on Spyder

 This week's lab focused on debugging and catching errors in python code. I personally used the program Spyder to do this.  We worked on three different pre-written scripts that had various different errors and/or exceptions. To find the errors in the code, I used the four steps we learned about in the lecture and our textbook (Python Scripting for ArcGIS Pro).  1) Syntax This type of error can be easily spotted when looking at your code (missing a letter, parenthesis, or something that should be upper or lowercase). You can also run the code and Spyder will tell you exactly what type of error, the line, and with a carrot, the location of the error.  I used this method to debug the first script of the assignment.  Script 1: List the field names of Shapefile in ArcGIS 2) Debugging and Stepping through the Code In this lab, I also learned how to use the debugging tool. The debugger tool can be run to go the entire code, stopping after the error, or you can op...

Python Foundamentals

 In our first week of GIS Programming, I learned the foundations of Python. Wow, was this incredibly hard! I found it extremely challenging to wrap my head around the subtle nuances of syntax and all the different functions and methods available to use. I love puzzles and critical thinking, and that is a huge part of python; coming up with efficient and creative solutions. As I become knowledgeable and better at using python, I am excited to see all the ways I will be able to use it.  Our Lab this week consisted first of learning how to create a string and then indexing or slicing them. This was the easiest of the tasks, as we learned also to use a while loop in combination with functions(i.e.: range, len, append, random) and methods (i.e.: object.method(argument)). Utilizing the while loop, I debugged a prewritten code that generated random wins and losses for players in a dice game. I also created/utilized a while loop to generate 20 random numbers between 0 and 10. Then I c...

Google Earth

 During our final week in Cartography, we learned how to use Google Earth Pro to create a map density map with a hydrography element, as well as a recorded tour of the map. Map 1: Dot density and hydrography of South Florida.   I converted the surface water file to a Google Earth compatible KMZ file on ArcGIS Pro using the Layer to KMZ tool. Then using Google Earth Pro, I added a jpeg image of the legend using Image Overlay. Lastly, I created a recorded tour of the map and explored camera panning features. 

Isarithmic Mapping

  Map 1: Annual Precipitation, Washington State Map 1 is an Isarithmic map that follows the continuous phenomenon of rainfall in Washington state over a 30 year period. The data was created by the PRISM group at the Oregon State University in 2006, and then downloaded and amended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, National Geospatial Management Center in 2012. Eden Santiago Gomez, analyzed the data on 5/2/2021, to create the map above. Santiago Gomez created continuous tones for the data, also adding a hillshade effect. She then converted the floating raster data into Integer data via the geoprocessing tool Int (Spatial Analyst Tool) to bring out hypsometric tinting. Lastly, she added contours of the data via the Contour List tool.   How the precipitation data was derived and interpolated? The PRISM system has been continually developed over the past couple decades, utilizing physiographical maps and climate fingerprints as its ...