This week's lab focused on debugging and catching errors in python code. I personally used the program Spyder to do this. We worked on three different pre-written scripts that had various different errors and/or exceptions. To find the errors in the code, I used the four steps we learned about in the lecture and our textbook (Python Scripting for ArcGIS Pro). 1) Syntax This type of error can be easily spotted when looking at your code (missing a letter, parenthesis, or something that should be upper or lowercase). You can also run the code and Spyder will tell you exactly what type of error, the line, and with a carrot, the location of the error. I used this method to debug the first script of the assignment. Script 1: List the field names of Shapefile in ArcGIS 2) Debugging and Stepping through the Code In this lab, I also learned how to use the debugging tool. The debugger tool can be run to go the entire code, stopping after the error, or you can op...